
<Co: Koi> <Ro: Road par> <Na: Na nikle> {No one should come out the Roads}

The problem Stay_Home_Stay_Safe! solves

India is at a critical stage in its fight against coronavirus as fears of community transmissions rise. During its lockdown frontline workers are still going out every day to protect others from pandemic outbreak of COVID19.
But still few people are not ready to follow the guidelines issued by government which could lead to disastrous situation for our country. Therefore we came up this idea to built a Machine Learning model, So that we can contribute little bit for our society.
Our project will:
1)Bring automation in identifying people coming outside of their house and hence we can reduce number of police officials involved in traffic management. Protecting police officers and their families from getting infected.
2)Force people to stay inside their house.
3)People can avoid contact with person whose number plate is detected and hence controlling the spread of virus.

Challenges we ran into

1)Accuracy in detecting number plates.
2)Getting clean dataset.
