

Automating cryptocurrency tax withholdings within the wallet at the point of transaction.

Created on 2nd March 2024



Automating cryptocurrency tax withholdings within the wallet at the point of transaction.

The problem Staxer solves

Because most tax jurisdictions categorize cryptocurrencies as assets or commodities - rather than securities - over 90% of all wallet transactions violate tax code. Staxer reduces violation risk and improves proof of compliance by enabling automated tax withholdings and record-keeping for both incoming and outgoing transactions.

Challenges we ran into

Everything went super smooth! ;-)

Tracks Applied (6)

Impact & Public Goods

Tax Compliance: It simplifies the process of tax compliance, ensuring that taxes are more efficiently managed, which ult...Read More

Build a Consumer Product

Staxer is a product to help consumers who have and use a cryptocurrency wallet better comply with tax laws and better or...Read More


Public Goods Funding Platform

Staxer helps public jurisdictions to collect tax and their citizens to more easily calculate, withhold and pay taxes.


Build on Linea

We have deploayed on linea goerli More


ZK is the Endgame

Staxer contract is deployed on Polygon zkEVM Contract: 0x4bCB4b945aD567C7d63227FC1D0D9e0Ce753897D


Welcome to Cardona - Hack a Smart Contract

We have delployed our contracts on polygon. More


Technologies used

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.


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