
Helping small scale business run by women to flourish

The problem StandOutLoud solves

With StandOutLoud, our application, we try to bring all the small-scale businesses run by women at one place and do justice to their service and give a recognition to them. With help of StandOutLoud, the business owners can post about them, kind of work they do and the service they provide. All this information will be visible to the common users like us, who can reach out to them if they want to and get their work done. This helps in local level recognition of the business and the word spreads out. If anyone wants to enrol for employment in any of the business, he can do that by contacting the owner where vacancies are available.
Moreover, if any professional organization/individual wants to fund/invest in any of the business, they can contact and take the process ahead.

The whole application is divided into 3 logins, each having their own set of features (Kindly refer README.md file in the github link for detailed description of the features.)

  1. Entrepreneur Login (small business owners)
  2. Customer Login (users who want the service of business)
  3. Investor Login (professional organization/individual)

Challenges we ran into

1)The most tedious task was to connect the database and passing the variables at appropriate place which was VERY time consuming.
2)Faced some issues while integration of Machine Learning model
