Stake Bridge

Stake Bridge

Stake Bridge: Bridging Assets Across Chains.

The problem Stake Bridge solves

We are addressing several critical challenges within the DeFi ecosystem. Many blockchain platforms lack the necessary infrastructure and design to fully support DeFi applications, resulting in limitations for decentralized finance.

High stake concentration among top validators is a common issue, leading to centralization and reducing the potential for a more inclusive and decentralized ecosystem. To further decentralization, we are working on introducing automatic rewards distribution to promote a fair and distributed network.

In the DeFi ecosystem, the domination of top validators can lead to power imbalances and vulnerabilities. Some validators may be unreliable or even malicious, threatening the stability and security of early critical DeFi infrastructure. Our solution aims to provide trust and stability in the form of a more reliable reward model, enabling users to securely access stable yields and withdraw rewards instantly

Challenges we ran into

We are facing issue where the deployment of network for token into testnet of Taiko and Mantle causing error where provider is not found when deploy using hardhat. There is also discrepency issue where calling the contract function on front end with different testnet network where it is not consistent. For example, the contract deployed on Goerli infura can be called on Sepolia but not on Goerli network.

Tracks Applied (3)

Mantle - Best DeFi Innovation

Cross bridge asset into Mantle

Mantle Network

Taiko - Ethereum Public Goods

Cross bridge Ethereum asset into Taiko

Taiko 🥁

Taiko Track

Cross bridge asset into Taiko

Taiko 🥁
