

Decentralized Stackoverflow

The problem Stackchain solves

The decentralized version of Stack Overflow solves the problem of centralized platforms controlling user data and content. By utilizing a decentralized network, the platform ensures that all user data and questions are saved forever and cannot be censored by a centralized authority. The platform also solves the issue of unreliable server uptime as it is fully decentralized, ensuring near-zero downtime. Additionally, the platform implements a skill assessment system based on popular upvotes and the difficulty of questions solved, providing an accurate representation of users' expertise. With these features, the decentralized version of Stack Overflow provides a reliable, censorship-resistant, and accurate platform for developers to seek and share knowledge. It can also act as a hiring platform as it is fully decentralized.

Challenges we ran into

The networks are slow for transactions and thus take time
Users will have to have gas fee

Tracks Applied (2)

Best Mobile Experience

Our website is highly optimised to be mobile responsive and provides a smooth experience for mobile users.

Best Use of Walletless Onboarding

We use Biconomy with social login so that users can seamlessly login and register with the app even without the hassle o...Read More
