

Amplifying Indian Sports

The problem Sportify solves

Lack of Recognition:

Many talented underprivileged athletes in India lack recognition for their achievements due to limited exposure and media coverage.

Infrastructure Gap:

Underprivileged athletes often lack access to proper training facilities, equipment, and qualified coaches to reach their full potential.

Financial Barriers:

The financial burden of training and competing can be a significant obstacle for underprivileged athletes, hindering their progress.

Limited Guidance:

Athletes, especially at the grassroots level, may lack access to proper guidance on training techniques, career paths, and navigating the sports ecosystem.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges in research

We know the problem that occurs in the sports industry and the amount of under-appreciated athletes that go un-noticed but it was hard to find an proper approach to solve the underlying issue and reach a solution thats both feasible and beneficial to the athletes.

Challenges in coding the platform

We had to change a major part of our project halfway through the hackathon and change our approach to the underlying issue. This caused a massive time inconvenience.

Challenges in choosing techstack

It was hard to fimd a performance efficient techstack that could easily be scaled as things went on and code the whole project in it from scratch
