Keeping an accurate record of expenses when you’re in a large group can be challenging. Moreover, when a group goes out, say to dinner or maybe the amusement park, people take turns paying for different expenses. At the end of the day when it’s time for everybody to settle up and put up their share of the expenses, this can be complicated. This is where SplitMonies comes in. Our app uses a simple system where we make groups of wallets and when any wallet makes a payment, we put that into the group as an expense and have every other wallet pay an equal amount of the expense.
We built most of our functionality around Waku chat and Minipay. Waku chat was a bit of a challenge as the React libraries weren’t working as expected. We had to use the JavaScript libraries. To make things worse the internet at the venue was not stable enough for us to run a web socket connection and so we had to run our own Waku node locally and use it as a relay. But we figured most of it out and got it to work.
With Celo's Minipay we didn't really have a straightforward way to integrate it with Next.js either but we played around with it for a while and figured out how to make the injected connectors work and managed to pull it off.
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