Created on 20th December 2020
We have made a multispeciality hospital website(Spandan) to serve it into public sector. The application has used technologies like NodeJs, MongoDB, JS, CSS, HTML. The hospital is designed with functionalities of login, logout, add prescription, take appointment, with additional functionalities of availability of beds, doctor for COVID-19 patients i.e., No need to call to the hospiatal to know for vacancies for Corona affected patient, one can look up on the website's Side bar for all these details. Also patient can consult online with the doctors who will help in contactless servicing. It can be helpful in removing the old method of giving prescription on paper as there's an option where doctor may give prescription to patient directly on his/her profile and patient may check it, which makes the prescription easier for both the doctor and the patient. Also, a patient doesn't need to stand in queue for registering in hospital and for getting a Hospital card, it can be done by registering at Spandan website and get the card downloaded in pdf. And many other features of this application will help in going contact-less and secure medical process in a hospital.
Connecting database to the project was very challenging, to get out of it we tried so many approaches, watched so many YouTube vidoes, and finally done with correctly working routes with the database. Also deployment was challenging as our application were throwing so many errors. To get out of that we checked Heroku logs and solved that too.