The problem SOULHEAL solves

To start a good life healthcare is more important. Nowadays Health-care Environment has developed science and knowledge. Recently, we all have witnessed the covid pandemic that has put immense pressure on health systems all over the world and hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients, in such conditions it is very difficult to obtain the consultation with the doctor in case of any health issues. As more and more people start to use smartphones, they may provide a tool to help improve a patient's health and fitness. The proposed idea is to create a health care app system using python programming that can be used to know disease by the symptoms in a person and provide basic details about the disease before consulting a doctor. Healthcare mobile apps are becoming a reality for users. Patients are facing a problematic situation of unforeseen demise which is because of nonexistence of good medical maintenance to patients at the needed time. So we are proposing an innovative project to provide all the needed information on specific diseases from your home in case of problems. We know that there are already so many health chatbot floating around us but our app is over an idea of summarise all things together and provide a solution. It will provide you with details of the doctor concerned to your disease whom you can contact. As today covid-19 is concerned, our app provides all the needed information about the spread of corona virus, resources, data of the daily cases and necessary links of different websites at one place only. A remainder through notifications for the ease of the user, so that they can remember their medications even when they are at home or doing work and general home remedies of common diseases adds more functionality to our app and makes it one proper solution in this time of global pandemic where reaching our doctor is so difficult and maintaining a good health is necessity.

Challenges we ran into

Following are the challenges our team faced while designing the application.

  1. The logo of the app took a lot of our time while deciding the primary structure of the application. Taking the theme of the app (healthcare) into consideration, we decided the color combination of peaceful, calm and gentle colors which have power to manage stress, slow down the heart rate, lower the blood pressure and reduce anxiety.
  2. The wrong indexing of databases and csv files collected from various sources on the internet. Like data contacts of doctors and symptoms of diseases while designing the chatbot. To solve this error (ERROR: list indexing out of range), we went through the entire database and corrected the indexing according to the base index of the commands of our code.
  3. Merging of various tkinter windows was one of the major issues we faced while making the app. Since all the tkinter codes had different function definitions, all the codes had different terminating main loops and to debug it, we had to create a ‘menu bar’ on the main screen in addition to various buttons with different commands we wanted to execute. Later we defined functions according to the output we wanted from each function, these functions were then passed in the main command.
  4. The reminder of the app was also one of the major issues we faced. The reminder was initially designed by the team using the win10toast module (creating an object to ToastNotifier class and by using the method show_toast for pop up notifications). But this had to be changed since we were facing issues while merging another module with tkinter. So rather, we created three text boxes and used the ‘get method’ to get the input in the text field. Then we created another function ‘notify me’ and passed the created variables in that function for the user to input custom intervals during which he/she needs the notifications to pop-up on their screen.
    Although we faced so many challenges but with Teamwork we resolved them.
