Soul platform for NHS

An enterprise ready cloud and on-prem HRP service and developer tools for HIPs and HIUs to quickly and seamlessly integrate with the NDHM architecture


Created on 21st November 2020


Soul platform for NHS

An enterprise ready cloud and on-prem HRP service and developer tools for HIPs and HIUs to quickly and seamlessly integrate with the NDHM architecture

The problem Soul platform for NHS solves

It is often challenging for small and medium enterpises to adopt new frameworks such as NDHM. This leads to delayed adoption and missed business opportunities. It often makes sense for companies to buy vs build ancillery products , which helps them focus on the core business projects.

We've built a service that helps companies quickly integrate with NDHM architecture and become a part of the ecosystem. We handle the underlying complexities and provide simple APIs & client libraries that make it super easy for HIPs and HIUs to extend their existing system without the need of custom development.

We do the heavy lifting so you don't have to!

Challenges I ran into

We ran into some minor issues linking healthIDs with livehealth. We built our own HIP service that send PHR data to HIUs


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