Somaiya Books Web Application

Somaiya Books is a full stack Web Application which serves as a platform for students to donate/exchange their old ,used books in a convenient manner thus, helping needy students.


Somaiya Books Web Application

Somaiya Books is a full stack Web Application which serves as a platform for students to donate/exchange their old ,used books in a convenient manner thus, helping needy students.

The problem Somaiya Books Web Application solves

As each year passes by, students have their previous Semester's books piled up, with no idea about how to put them to good use. On the other hand, there are also students/juniors who are in dire need of books which are usually sold at high prices in the book stores and thus, buying those books is not affordable for them. To solve this issue, Somaiya Books Web Application was developed to connect these 2 categories of students and hence facilitate donation/exchange of old, used books. The Application serves as a great platform where a student can register by sharing his/her contact details and put up their used books for donation. These books are stored and displayed to all registered users, Branch and Year Wise, thus making it very convenient for a student to find a particular book. Also, Search functionality is also provided so that a student can simply browse a particular book he/she wishes to acquire.

Challenges I ran into

The challenge I faced while developing this application, was storing the books entered by the user and then displaying it Branch and Year Wise, thus the retrieval had to be manipulated according to a particular branch and year selected by an user. To do this, JavaScript was used to handle the manipulations and data was stored in various Firebase collections. Another hurdle I faced was in implementing search functionality on the data stored in Firebase.
