
Supporting both Ethereum and Solana, this is the perfect WEB3 marketplace!

The problem SolxGrayStore solves

Often people complain that Eth gas prices are too high, and often people scoff at Solana gas prices being too low
Well here comes SolxGrayStore, combining both into a single platform.
It's got Ethereum's stability and Solana's scalability at the same time!
Our marketplace features a platform for NFTs, POAPs, Merch and Phygitals with simple integrations!

Challenges we ran into

As it often happens, great ideas and great people don't always match up well, and so was the case with our team. A little slow on the development footing for sure, it was hard to get everyone at the same level and pace at first, but that problem got sorted as us monkeys kept getting in touch and adapting to each other xD
On the tech side, we did face difficulty in finding the right and most efficient tech for this idea. Working on the payment structures with a new technology was a major challenge faced by our members. But we learned, slowly but surely. Now integrating a multichain system is a challenge we still are working upon.
