
Its an app that will provide personalised questions/post based on your field of expertise, key interest with a credit system for solving each question.

The problem Solvee solves

I came about the idea of making this web app when I used doubt solving apps like quora, reddit. These platforms let us post questions and answers them and anyone can answer. But because of this, it simply becomes to choose a correct advice whether it be related to a particular niche or anything in general. I think this web app will be able solve this problem with the help of the following features:

  1. A field specific explore page: On this page, users will be able to view various questions related to their field of expertise or interest.
  2. A credit based answer system: For any question the user solves, they will be rewarded with credits depending upon the level of difficulty of the question, and the no of question solved and their rating will be listed on a leaderboard.
  3. Ultra-specific-contact: The platform will already provide a better "good-answer" ratio than other platform due the question viewing restriction, but if someone wants to directly approach a user who is at the top of the leaderboard, they would have to pay credit, which they can only get by solving other's problem, thus I hope a cycle of solving each other's doubt continues with more precision than ever.
  4. UI: I hope that the UI will be better and more easy viewing than other forums, which plays a huge role in user engagement.

Challenges I ran into

First off: Either the time was not sufficient or I had thought too grand of an app to make in such a short time, but I am thinking of continuely building the application till I graduate.
Due to the time contraint I was only able to make the UI of the app. I have tried creating an api service for the React app using node.js and Mongodb, but the small amount of data, and and some difficulty in integrating the tech stack was a bummer for me. I will definitely be implementing it.
Since I decided to implement my own knowledge of UI design and CSS instead of leaning for frameworks like bootstrap, it took a bit more time to design each component but react simplified much of the code to an extent.
I used react-router-dom package to make the app an SPA (Single Page Application), but that posed a problem, since whenever I routed to "/" path, instead of this request going to node server, it went to the <Router> tag which snatched about half an hour from me. Overall, there were many bugs which I would not have come across or have solved, had I not participated in this hackathon. I don't think any course can provide the knowledge I gained during this 36hour hackathon.
