Created on 11th September 2022
Whenever we need to make a decision with regards to deciding whether what can be the best use of a real estate based on the location and demography of the area, it's impossible to know the exact match, this is where our solution comes into the picture. Given Pincode of the area where you want to open a restaurant/ supermarket/ charge station, it gives you an AI based solution which internally computer on many parameters like population density of that area, average income, average age, another restaurant/ supermarket/ charge station in that area etc and gives you suggestions. Later we are also going to incorporate many other features like a chatbot which can give you suggestions based on the parameter you give or you want it to find and use from the internet, also a voice feature which can do the same.
We ran into many problems while creating this, one of the major was finding the best way to use openAI and integrate it with our React Application.