Soil Fertility Checker N Crop Recommendation Sys

A destiny for farmers to evaluate the fertility of their soil so as to recognize the best crop that can be grown profitably in that particular soil.

The problem Soil Fertility Checker N Crop Recommendation Sys solves

This web application can be used by farmers via some
testing agencies which can help them test the various
parameters like Nitrogen, Phosphorus,pH etc levels of
their soil to further check if their soil is fertile or not and
also suggest which crop can be grown on their land
according to another set of parameters like rainfall
levels, humidity etc. It will save the farmers from
dilemma of not knowing which crop to grow for better
results and also of they need better fertilizers or organic
manure etc to make their soil more fertile so that their
crop doesn't fail and they can do their work with less
stress about whether or not the crop will grow well.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a hurdle while making the ML model where
we weren't able to achieve good enough accuracy of our
model also we faced a bug with modal popup text color,
it was somehow white when running on localhost and
black when running without any server and we
confused it with the problem that text isn't showing up
on localhost modal popup but at the end with a little
more push of efforts and team spirit we over came
everything and managed to finish the desired project
product with an extra unplanned app prototype in time.
