Society Junction

Society Junction

Innovative ideas and diverse perspectives meet at Society junction

Created on 29th January 2023

Society Junction

Society Junction

Innovative ideas and diverse perspectives meet at Society junction

The problem Society Junction solves

The web app created by our team aims to solve the problems faced by the students applying for the different societies in college and the society cores recruiting for the society.
Enormous messages and applications for different societies and fear of missing out on the deadline of various applications overwhelm the students. Our web app is the one-stop solution to all
these issues. Our web app will provide a platform where the applicant students can apply for the different societies and can upload their profiles and portfolios also.
they can ask their doubts also and can see their responses also.
Our web app provides the perfect solution to all the society heads solving the problems they face while recruiting for society. It provides them with a complete database where they
can see all the applicants' details in one place , and can accept or reject the applications with a message. The cores or the recruiters can convey a video message to the applicants also.
To make the students aware of the events happening in the nearest time an eventory has been added from where they can be redirected to the desired website. Our web app reduces the chaos and difficulty that a student and the recruiter faces in solving the doubt

Challenges we ran into

Building a functional web app is not an easy task. We ran into many challenges in the front end and the back end but dealt with all the challenges patiently and smartly. The main challenges we faced were-

  • Choosing the right contrast and making it eye pleasing was a great challenge. While creating a web app we have to keep in mind the user interface which makes our web app interface attractive
  • Managing the backend work was the toughest. Managing the database and linking it with the web app was difficult
    -To build the right workflow, which button directs us to which page and managing the order of the pages was not an easy task

Technologies used


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