Created on 29th January 2023
As we you all know our college Igdtuw has a lot of societies and each society has its own unique recruitment process and each has its own unique set of activities . Me being a fresher personally I was very confused at the beginning ,because I didn’t know which society to join , why should I join this society and also how to join the society. Also even now when I look at my whatapp I see a lot of groups of different societies that I haven’t even joined. It helps us get information about societies like gdsc and mlsa whose information is not available on the official website. Normally we have orientation programs for the same but because a lot of people miss out on time and date of orientation , also sometimes classes of student clash with the time of orientation ,for students who miss out on these orientation program our website will provide the information for the same. Keeping in mind all these problems me and my teammates developed a website which will help the students of Igdtuw to get to know more about the societies and also help join various them with ease .
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