
This is a social media management website. We provide users with data analytics for their accounts. This data can help them increase their reach while at the same time earn money through promotions.

The problem SocialBay solves

Brands generally hire people for their social media management. Our website gives them a cheaper and a more efficient alternative , as growth using this is not dependent upon trusting the person incharge of the handling but simply data from the socials with some amount of reccommendation for betterment of reach. It is also useful for personal use, in the sense that one can keep track of all their socials together without having to go through the hassle of loging into each and every account individually. It provides an alternative ource of income for social media influencers. This is through the collaborative promotion functionality that we have added. After scaling this on a large scale, we have the potential to provide regular databases as a paid feature for continuous analysis of growth. Thus using it to improve the reach of the socials.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we ran into was collecting databases or apis of the social media websites. We managed to find and use the data of 2 websites but we plan to do more in the future. Although most websites do have their public databases, most of them are paid. This was a challenge while putting together the website. One way we were able to gather enough data to play around with and display on the website was using scrappers. Using which we managed to create apis of our own, which we largely used. This was really crucial since data is the key to this project.
