Social Shop

Chat and shop with family and friends online...

The problem Social Shop solves

Going to shopping with friend or family is always fun, but how do we go for shopping in a group in online e-commerce? Well we have a solution, introducing Social Shop an e-commerce platform where you along with your friends or family can visit for group shopping. Our aim is to improve online experience and make it as intuitive and interactive as we shop offline in groups!

Through the platform shoppers’ friends or family members become involved in the shopping experience through a small chat section where they can share product details directly through the e-commerce portal and have a conversation with them, and they can also poll between the products which they like. They will get reward for adding members for chat. We have provided a smart chatbot assistant and the platform is also available in multiple languages.

Challenges we ran into

Time Constraint!! We strictly followed time limits! Check our git commits!! Team constraint! We are only 3 team members. To integrate application was a pain, and still not completely resolved. But we are anyways going to fix it and make it look awesome! Also, used MongoDB Atlas (Cloud DB) for the 1st time!
