
Experience a fluid UI. Improve with analytics. Strike off your todos!

The problem smartTodo solves

Since its inception, the concept of To-do lists had a very basic flaw. Basically they just told you how many tasks you had left and put undue pressure on you to keep up with your deadlines. Many of us could frankly do away with this pressure. In fact, a Harvard Business Review article stated – “Stop making to-do lists. They’re simply setting you up for failure and frustration.” In a nutshell, they tell you the problem, but not how to solve them. This long withstanding problem has set the market up perfectly for our product – ‘Smart To-dos’.
Our product won’t just help you boost up your efficiency quotient by keeping you on your toes, but will also help you better yourself with detailed analysis of your tasks. We aim to achieve that by a very simple and elegant UI and user flow. We analyse your everyday chores and visualize data associated with it to present it in an easy-to-comprehend way. You get the benefit of studying your procrastination habits without the hassle of manually tracking them. Another thing of paramount importance that our team took into consideration is the privacy and security of our users. We employ the use of JWT web-tokens that generate a unique authentication token every time a user logs in so as to preserve the uniqueness of the users. The tasks a user stores in his account are also encrypted before storing in the database there by preventing any data leaks and admin misuse and manipulation.

The users will also have the luxury to choose from a wide range of expert productivity managers on the cloud. On payment basis, veterans from management having expertise in task scheduling, will analyze your day breakup and suggest changes wherever necessary. They will have access to the same in-depth analysis as you, making their jobs easier, concise and more accurate.

Challenges we ran into

Making a full stack application within 36 hours in never a small feat. Also we wanted to implement something looked insanely improbable in the given time-frame. And ofcourse, we haven't executed the complete application but even making the MVP was a monumental task. Desigining the User-flow model, generating data-models on the todo schema, learning the d3 library syntax and many such tasks we were expected to complete in a day's timeframe. Working with the React framework for the first time also didn't help. But lofi music and lots of coffee helped us pull through the difficulites and make the MVP of our product.
