

An efficient way of saving all important notes at one place for ready reference.

The problem SmartNotezz solves

SmartNotezz is a web based notes making and editing app. It enables users to keep track of their tasks and other to-do lists. The notes are all stored into the local storage so that users need not worry about losing their data on exiting the page. By default, the notes are stored from most recent to oldest. A search option is made available to users for searching the title and locating their notes to avoid the hassle of scrolling down or up looking for a note.

Challenges we ran into

Displaying the notes appropriately based on widths of different devices(responsiveness) required a lot of brainstorming. CSS Media queries was the game-changer in making this responsive design a success. A real time database was needed to save the notes. However, glitches in Firebase hosting platform meant we had to resort to Local Storage property of Javascript, which enabled us to acheive our objective.
