Smart Student ID Card is based on the latest AR technology. Categorized under projects of Sustainable Development.

The problem SMART STUDENT ID CARD solves

The Project is categorized under the project of Sustainable Development. It solves one of the most important social concerns to save paper, i.e; to save trees. While adapting for Innovations like Smart Student ID CARD, we will reduce the use of paper to present different infographics which will result in reducing the carbon content of the atmosphere, which many countries are now serious about. It will also help us in presenting our information in a better way during the advertisement of different events and will also eliminate the printing costs.

Challenges we ran into

One of the biggest challenges we faced during building the project is while getting a physical copy of the printed card, which can be used for demo & Presentation. Due to lockdown we couldn't generate one, but we somehow manage to present finally.

The second problem we faced while building & Deployment, We wanted our project to be deployed at every possible platform, so that more and more people can get benefits of the same. But EchoAR servers are a bot slow, so we couldn't integrate it for web deployment.
