Smart Metro System

Our modern Metro System enables the passengers to just travel without worrying about tokens, cards, queue and so on. Sounds interesting? Lets explore it.


Smart Metro System

Our modern Metro System enables the passengers to just travel without worrying about tokens, cards, queue and so on. Sounds interesting? Lets explore it.

The problem Smart Metro System solves

Smart Metro System
In this era of modernisation dealing with time complexity is the most combursome task.Everyone is so busy in their own life.
In the Metro Cities like Delhi,Kolkata,etc metro is the lifeline of day-2-day transportation.Token and Queue create a lot of problems and waste a lot of time and
also use lot of plastics which are very harmful to our environment, so what if we provide solution for all these problems.

Our modern Metro System enables the passengers to just travel without worrying about tokens, cards, queue and so on. Sounds interesting? Lets explore it.

  1. We are marking all our daily passengers with a simple registrion. The users will require to register themselves with an app only once and transfer money in it's special wallet via online
    money transfer.
  2. Once the payment is made, the host will reflect the money in each user's account.
  3. Whenever the user travels from one station to another, the system will use face recognition embedded with deep learning algorithm. For trial run, we are running it via openCV face
    detection feature.
  4. Once the system identifies the face of passenger,(it will be done on a gate from where a passenger passes one by one simultaneosly, deep learning algorithm will run the code efficiently
    for sure), it will send the boarding and arrival point to the server.
  5. The server will manipulate the data and deduct the money directly from the wallet of person.
