In this modern world, people have various health problems ranging from obesity to heart related diseases. For this they have to be under the supervision of doctors all the time, which is not feasible for working professionals, old aged people and those who don’t wish to be in the hospital atmosphere.
All the sensors that are interfaced with ESP32 collect the information the patient’s health and send them continuously to the doctor through the personalised webpage or app that is being designed.
The GPS keeps the track on the location of the patient, when there is an emergency.
If the patient falls down, the gyro sensor detects the fall and alerts the doctor.If there is any changes in the Temperature, Blood pressure, Blood oxygen levels, the doctor gets alert message.
The ECG is used for the persons whose heart rate pulses need to be monitored, any unusual changes is found the doctor will get alert message .The EMG is used to monitor the patients who need to exercise daily.
Their muscle activity is constantly monitored.MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart- rate monitor sensor solution. It combines two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals.
Contactless Infrared Temperature Sensor measures the surface temperature of an object depending on the emitted IR waves of the target without touching it and also measures the average temperature over an area.
GY-906 MLX90614ESF -BCC Contactless Temperature Sensor Module is an infrared thermometer for use with Arduino or any microcontroller that can communicate with it through its I2C interface.
A pulse wave is the change in the volume of a blood vessel that occurs when the heart pumps blood, and a detector that monitors this volume change is called a pulse sensor.
By combining all the sensors and connect together to display in OLED.
We make it as mini device to patient and their values are read in cloud through Internet.
During the project we faced difficulty to handle sensors and getting output.
When we handle sensors like MAX30100,GY-906 and OLED are I2C connection while connecting these sensors in Nodemcu I2C pin doesnot give the proper output.
We face difficult to combine all the I2C sensors.We faced difficult in finding the accuracy of sensor value.
Technologies used