“Switch off” Biometric Attendance on March 5th, 2020 Delhi government announced the suspension of biometric attendance in its offices via a letter written to principal secretaries, secretaries, autonomous bodies, and municipal corporations for the suspension of biometric attendance to contain the spread of coronavirus.
The need for the system is an untouchable device. And also students can't cheat with the system. Devise a secure way to take attendance of students and teachers in a touchless and paperless manner in order to have a sustainable way. This project aims to provide a touchless and paperless attendance system
This system can be used in industries, colleges, schools where a large group of people gather. The need for this system brought in because in these pandemic times there is also a need to check the temperature of a person and also to look after their health as a precaution before entering their respective premises.
RC522 RFID module is used as a contactless identity module, the people can enter into the respective premises using the RFID cards which will be counted as attendance. The next stage this system is temperature checker which will be done by contactless temperature sensor (MLX90614), in order to measure the range for the temperature sensor Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) is used. After the RFID stage the people have to put their finger just above the contactless temperature sensor to check their temperature. If their temperature is normal, they are allowed to go to the next stage, if the temperature is not normal, they are asked to not enter the premises. The last stage of this system is to measure blood oxygen and heart rate levels, to do this pulse oximeter (MAX30100) is used and the readings of the pulse oximeter will be displayed in OLED. After theintermediate stage, the people are asked to put their finger on the pulse oximeter, same as intermediate stage the people are allowed to enter the premises only if their blood oxygen and heart rate.
In this project, we had a major problem in communicating two slaves(MAX30100 and MLX90614) with the master ESP8266 module. because of this problem we switched into other variant of microcontroller caller ESP32 module. we used many methods to resolve this problem as both sensor have different I2C address values. while interfacing them with microcontroller it show no value like "0.00" and "NaN". Finally we surpassed the problem by finding the function to place the correct address into it and decode the data send by the sensor.
problem in uploading the RFID TAG 'hex value' value into the Google spread sheet and diffculty in finding the Gscript ID of the spreadsheet which is to be placed in the arduino IDE code.
Technologies used