Smart Campus

Smart Campus

Everything at your palm

The problem Smart Campus solves

As we all know, hostelers suffer from a chronic disease: cash deficiency. Although UPI services provide relief, we still found that servers are down most of the time. So, can't there be any other mode of payment?
Hostel plays an essential role in students' studies, and thus hostel management is crucial. From common Water Cooler Complaints to Ambulance Calling, Daily Night Entries to Leave Applications, everything runs at a slower pace. Why can't it be automated?
The solutions to the problem mentioned above were:

  • Smart Campus creates a wallet for a student per semester (from other advances at registration). He can pay through that wallet to any canteen or stationery shop inside the Campus without worrying about cash and bad servers.
  • Smart Campus provides the best solution to accelerate and automate the Hostel Management.

It simplifies the cumbersome daily task of entries and thus provides an efficient and trustable solution to day-to-day issues.

Challenges we ran into

The challenges we ran into while developing the application were:

  • Multiple recyclerView in a fragment: There were many issues, like null pointer exception and layout manager crashes. But, after going through the official documentation of the android studio and StackOverflow, we managed to resolve the issues and run our app without crashes.
  • Storing & retrieving data: Efficiently storing an ample amount of data so that we can retrieve it quickly was a challenging task. We had to create nodes in Firebase after creating the structure of the future works.
