Smart Attendance System

The Smart Attendance System is built using Face Recognition and OpenCV. The system will facilitate attendance management by recording the attendance live using webcam.


Created on 22nd November 2020


Smart Attendance System

The Smart Attendance System is built using Face Recognition and OpenCV. The system will facilitate attendance management by recording the attendance live using webcam.

The problem Smart Attendance System solves

  • Some institutes take attending manually using paper or file-based approaches and a few have adopted ways of automatic attendance using some biometric techniques.
  • The recent methodology for taking attendance is by calling out the name or roll number of the scholar to record attendance. - - It's a long and less efficient method of marking attending as a result of as we all know the info written within the paper typically may be lost or is less accurate as a result of students often mark every other's attending proxy.
  • To unravel these issues and avoid errors, we recommend computerizing this method by providing a system that records and manages student’s attending mechanically with no need for lecturers' interference.


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