If you want to know a person's name and want to connect with the person you are at the right place you can get all social media links at one place SM finder
enter names of people and get all links with their pictures in one place only.
We ran into a lot of challenges while building the SM Finder project. The first challenge we ran into was all of us weren't familiar with the technologies we used, so we had to learn them. Our website works is by web scraping the social media websites, which was a very tedious task going through the code of the website and finding the things we need. Some websites like Instagram had a dynamic and complex website which takes a lot of time for the program to scrape. It was another challenge to optimise the site. Also combining the codebase of all our teammates was another challenge since we had different ways to do the same thing. But despite all the challenges we faced we did our best and completed the project on time.
Technologies used