

An employee endorsement and hiring based system based on polygon blockchain. Previous employers endorse the employee's skills and work exp whose records are then stored on polygon for future employers

The problem SkillSet-Verified solves

The problems with the current hiring system we solve-
Resume shortlisting has been replaced by multiple taxing and long rounds which is a hassle for both the recruiters and employees moreover they still dont ensure the hired employee is a great fit for the job description.
Expensive background are done by companies to ensure the person isnt counterfeiting work experience or skills on resume and still 25% of the resumes contain misinformation related to the skillset of the person.This makes resume shortlisting very difficult for employers.
There is no credibility of information provided by candidates on their cvs.
Candidates usually overestimate their skills and this results in companies not being able to differentiate
No verification of endorsements is provided on platforms regarding the authenticity of the individual

Challenges we ran into

We struggled with reducing transaction time, ensuring scalability and increasing security of our blockchain while keeping the gas fees low but that is where polygon came in. because of its 4 layer architecture it solved all of the problems we were struggling with.
The second problem was ensuring endorsements given by employers cant be modified by employees and the database is immune to attacks by hackers and this is why we are using blockchain to ensure immutablity of our data and the decentralized database along with polygon's security layer makes our app secure against any external attacks.
We felt it would be infeasible for employer to search for all previous employees for endorsements thus we created a chat system where the employee can request the previous organisation for endorsements and the HR would have to approve of that request.
