

Stay on track and ace your exams with SkillForge



Stay on track and ace your exams with SkillForge

The problem SkillForge solves

SkillForge is an educational app designed to help students manage their study time, track their progress, and create a personalized study plan based on their needs and academic level. It includes a student information form and a timetable generator that enables students to input the topics they need to cover and calculate the priority order of those topics. By using SkillForge, students can stay organized, motivated, and achieve academic success.

Challenges we ran into

At first our app didnt performed well
and then we had it difficult to train our ML

Tracks Applied (3)

Best Beginners' Hack (All participants in the team must be first time hackers)

we are first year student developing our first ever project in our first hackathon.

Enhancing Education

SkillForge is a powerful tool that can help enhance education by providing students with a personalized study plan and t...Read More

Most Creative Use of GitHub - MLH

learned to do something new and innovative use of github , it also helped us gather many resource and help .

Major League Hacking

Technologies used
