

Find the nearest helper in a few clicks and pay using Cryptos!

The problem SkillBlock solves

Hiring labourers for as many days you want and getting their service.
Labourers can list their services on the site by entering their required details and wallet address and get rewarded for their service.
People who want the service can book the number of labours and upto how many days they want to get the service and for that they will have to pay the required rental amount set by the required labour. In this way labourers can bid for their service and get rewarded.
No middlemen involved in transferring the money. Money is directly transferred to the labourers account.
Transparent, decentralised and secure made using smart contracts.
Fully automated for both Labourers: for providing service details, & for People: for the booking of Laborers.

Challenges we ran into

Smart Contract to transfer money to the respective labourers.
Using Moralis was a bit challenging for us, as it has some less documentation and materials regarding the feature we were working on and interacting with the smart contracts through react moralis and uploading files through Moralis to IPFS was also a bit challenging for us.
