Created on 4th April 2021
As we know that the differently-abled people in our society are treated distinctive and unlike normal people, they have to face severe challenges and obstacles in their life. The main aim of this project is that the differently-abled people in our society gets to communicate with us in an easier way. Giving them a chance to not think of their disability as a liability or an obstacle in the real world. It can also be used for learning purposes, if someone wants to learn sign language. This application can also be used in the education sector for differently-abled children to make them understand the sign laguage.
We went to various challenges while going through the project. First, we had to make our machine learnin model and we chose to go for creating out own custom datasets. The creation of dataset was a tedious process where we had to click picture in various angles, lightings, angles so that the model understands and gives a better accuracy. The training of the model took a lot of time. We had to face various bugs and errors in the integration part of the model. But, at the end we were manage to pull it off.
Technologies used