As we all know the Signature Forgery is a very common crime in India, which can cause a huge loss to people. Our model solves this problem efficiently. As, we have recieved an accuracy of 94% from our model using computer vision technique.
The android application is easy to use app where a user can test a registered signature with just 4 steps.
Our model is mainly used for the banking security.
** This is how our model is build and it's main components which powers our application.**
- Generating Datasets: Generating datasets is the first step we have taken to solve this problem. Currently we are using a set of 4000+ signature datasets we have found from the provided link. But our application can scan new signatures and generate the dataset which will again train the model.
- We have used Firebase Authentication and Database for the security and data storage in the app.
- Creating a Tensorflow Lite Model: As we know using a TensorFlow lite model is the easiest method to integrate our ML in android application. The Keras model is converted into TFLITE model.
- Creating an Android Application: The android application is created to make the user interface easy and fast.
- Testing the model: As testing is one of the most important aspect we have tested out model with over 100 signature which gave us a 96.7% testing accuracy.
It was quite challenging for us to figure out this model and implement it.
- Starting from datasets collections, It was quite a work to dig up a geniune datasets to work on, although we have used 4000+ images to train our model and was able to get 94% accuracy score from our model.
- The model training was also a huge job as figuring out the best CNN structure and exporting the model which can be ingerated easily in the application.
- Creating the application gave many bugs which was quite challenging. As accessing and making custom camera, croping images was also a challenge.
- Although the challenge was quite difficult we are happy that we have succeed in making a model which will solve a major security issue in the banking sector.