

Kickstart your idea and bring them to life!

The problem SigmaStart solves

In India, people do not have huge capital to spend on investment at a particular moment or in one go and do not have the option of investing it on a recurring basis. As an attempt to solve the same through the means of crowdfunding, we present you SigmaStart.

Challenges we ran into

  • Since it was the first that we were working with Livepeer, uploading the video asset and playing it back from the playbackID was giving us some issues.
  • In addition, it was difficult to create a smart contract that met our needs, as it had to be suitable for new startups seeking funding.

Tracks Applied (3)


We have used Arcana AuthSDK for authenticating the login and signup of an investor or a developer, after which they can ...Read More

Arcana Network

Superfluid - General Track

If an investor is interested in funding a particular project, he/she can decide the flow of assets from their address to...Read More



We have the feature to pitch a particular product or idea through video. For serving the same purpose, we have integrate...Read More

