

"Enhancing Accessibility through Vision-based Assistance"

The problem SightEase solves

SightEase solves the problem of visual accessibility for individuals with low vision or blindness. It provides a user-friendly interface that enables them to perceive and navigate their surroundings independently. With the help of advanced computer vision technology and machine learning algorithms, SightEase can recognize objects, people, and other visual elements in real time and provide audio descriptions to users. It can also help users navigate unfamiliar environments and perform tasks such as reading text or identifying products in a store. By providing a seamless and intuitive experience, SightEase empowers individuals with visual impairments to live more independently and confidently.

Challenges we ran into

While building SightEase, we faced several challenges, one of which was our lack of knowledge regarding the integration of MediaPipe for object detection. We had to spend a considerable amount of time researching and learning about it before we could effectively implement it in our project.

Another significant challenge we faced was the difficulty in creating the Solana contract. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to create it. However, we decided to use Filecoin for storage purposes, which proved to be a suitable alternative.

Lastly, we found Beeceptor to be relatively easy to work with compared to other similar tools. Despite these challenges, we were able to overcome them with hard work and dedication, ultimately leading to the successful development of SightEase.

Tracks Applied (4)

Ethereum Track

As SightEase uses the Ethereum blockchain for its smart contract functionality, it fits into the Ethereum track. The pro...Read More



SightEase project fits into Filecoin track by leveraging Filecoin's decentralized storage solution to securely store vis...Read More



SightEase can be hosted and deployed on Replit, which provides an easy and convenient way to work on the project collabo...Read More



SightEase fits into the Solana track by utilizing the Solana blockchain to facilitate secure and transparent transaction...Read More

