

Decentralized platform cutting out middlemen, connecting manufacturers directly with retailers to streamline supply chains, reduce costs, and boost transparency and control

The problem ShopChain solves

The Problem It Solves:

Traditional supply chains are plagued by inefficiencies and middlemen exploitation, resulting in inflated costs, opaque transactions, and diminished control for retailers. Our platform eliminates these issues by directly connecting manufacturers with retailers, streamlining processes, reducing costs, and enhancing transparency.

How It Makes Existing Tasks Easier/Safer:

  • Cost Reduction: By bypassing middlemen, retailers can access products at lower costs, improving profit margins and competitiveness.
  • Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures transparent and secure transactions, enabling retailers to track product origins and pricing structures.
  • Control: Retailers regain control over their supply chain, negotiating directly with manufacturers and ensuring product quality meets their standards.
  • Efficiency: Direct interactions and streamlined processes lead to faster transactions, reduced delays, and improved overall efficiency in the supply

Challenges we ran into

  • Had some hiccup integrating smart contract to the web app
  • Implementing Payment Integration took a lot of time

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

Our project aligns seamlessly with Polygon's Ethereum Track, offering a streamlined solution for supply chain management...Read More

