Shifu by Celestial Biscuit

A revolutionising and user friendly technology to promote sustainable agriculture by detecting soil type and suggesting crops.

The problem Shifu by Celestial Biscuit solves

Shiwu covers 3 Sustainable Development Goals:

  1. Zero Hunger: With the knowledge of the right crop for your soil, more crops can be produced thereby ending hunger.
  2. Responsible Consumption and Production: We detect the correct soil and suggest the best crops which can be grown thereby ensuring sustainable production patterns.
  3. Life on Land: When the right crop is being grown on the soil, the soil resources are utilised properly thereby preventing desertification and trying to halt it.

Target Audience:

  1. Farmers who wish to check which soil lies on their land and decide which crop should be grown on their land.
  2. Gardening enthusiasts who wish to start an in-house garden and decide which will be the best plant/crop to grow in the soil that is available around their place.

Future Scope:

  1. Allow users to register and save the types of soil they have on their different fields.
  2. A personalised dashboard for the user where they can see a list of the different fields they have, and the crop that they would grow there.
  3. Personalised articles related to farmer's soil and crops.
  4. A chatbot for easy navigation around the website and providing answers to farmers' crop and soil related queries. Google's Speech to Text API can come in handy for this scenario.
  5. To offer the farmers a more personalised experience, we are also planning to put Google's Translation API to use to convert the languages into the regional languages of the farmers.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Creation of the ML model: We were facing trouble with finding the best CNN layers to solve our problem with.
  2. Deployment of the model: While deploying our model due to the lack of disk space we were unable to install the required dependencies and due to the lack of a paid subscription, we had to run the model on our local machines.
  3. Existence of the product in the market: We came across an already established startup 'fasal' which works on similar lines as us and we realised we lacked a little in research. However, we are now planning to conduct a full market survey to enhance our product even more and provide the users with the best experience.
