Shield Insurers- Blockchain based Health Insurance

Shield Insurers- Blockchain based Health Insurance

With just one click, ensure your well-being with our blockchain and crypto-powered health insurance plans

The problem Shield Insurers- Blockchain based Health Insurance solves

Our project has the potential to oust the obsolete health insurance websites and apps due to the following reasons :

  1. It is a faster method as it works on the basis of an encoded set of rules known as smart contracts . It automatically processes the payment after approval and thus saves a lot of time.
  2. The method is transparent as there is only a single version of truth which is accessible to all the stakeholders. All the parties have access to the same information.
  3. Less prone to hacks and thefts due to transperancy.
  4. The transactions are encrypted which makes it a lot more safe and secure .There's no need to worry about information being tampered with for personal gain because there's no third party engaged and encrypted transaction logs are exchanged among participants.
  5. Easy method to generate claims based on smart contract and easy access and approval methods.
  6. Automate the execution of agreements so that all participants can ascertain the outcome as soon as possible without the involvement of an intermediary or time delay.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into a few challenges which eventually lead us to learn a lot more , a few of them are listed below

  1. Deployment of smart contract : we had the code to execute but due to some errors we could not figure out how to proceed . Also we were pretty much new to the platform 'remix' and this was one of the reasons which hampered the project . But we wish to execute it in the future and make our project scalable.
  2. Time constraints: Due to a bit of less time in our hands we could not include all the features but really wish to add them in the future. It taught us how to give our best in the minimum time possible.
