She Unit

A step to understand the marvels of HER body and help her with body issues.

Created on 14th March 2021


She Unit

A step to understand the marvels of HER body and help her with body issues.

The problem She Unit solves

Women have always been the pillar of strength of our society. The genetic response fo the female anatomy makes it more prone to chronic diseases than men. Thirty-eight % of women suffer from one or more chronic diseases, compared to 30 % of men. This issue has to be addressed, which is why we at She-Unit are contributing our best for the cause. We have created a website that will enable women to predict breast cancer with the masurements and will also help them understand basic women health issues.
If early cancer is found many times they lead to false positives, which results is patients expensive surgeries that were not even necessary and painful. These can be detected from our model.
Also there is an option for workshops where people can volunteer to conduct workshops for women.

Challenges we ran into

Deploying the Rasa chatbot and connecting it to the frontend was troublesome.
Collecting appropriate data for our breast cancer predicting model was a challenge but we some how managed to complete it with 97% accuracy.


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