

Let's Break the Bias!

The problem Shakti solves

Shakti is a revolutionary platform designed to combat gender bias in the recruitment process. It addresses the inherent challenges and biases that often prevent individuals from securing opportunities based on their skills and qualifications rather than their gender. Shakti's innovative approach includes a gender-neutral resume screening process that removes all gender-related information from resumes using OCR technology. This ensures that candidates are evaluated based on their merits alone, promoting fairness and equality in the recruitment process.

One of Shakti's key features is its AI-powered interview system, which conducts interviews without any human interaction. The AI asks questions based on the candidate's resume and evaluates their responses in real-time. This eliminates human biases and ensures that candidates are assessed solely on their abilities and qualifications. Additionally, Shakti offers a skill assessment feature that verifies the skills listed in a candidate's resume through assessment tests, providing employers with reliable information about a candidate's capabilities.

Shakti also provides a counseling feature powered by AI, which offers candidates personalized guidance on how to enhance their skills and qualifications. This helps candidates improve their employability and increase their chances of securing desirable positions. Overall, Shakti is committed to promoting gender inclusivity in the workplace by providing a fair and unbiased recruitment process that benefits both candidates and employers.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of Shakti, we encountered several challenges that tested our creativity and problem-solving skills. One of the major challenges was ensuring the privacy and security of candidate data. We had to implement robust measures to protect sensitive information and comply with data protection regulations.

Another significant challenge was mitigating bias in the resume screening and interview processes. We developed algorithms to remove gender-related information from resumes and conducted extensive testing to ensure fair and unbiased evaluations.

Integrating different technologies, such as OCR for resume screening and AI for interviews, also posed challenges. We had to ensure seamless integration and compatibility between these technologies to provide a smooth user experience.

Designing a skill assessment system that accurately evaluates candidates' skills was another hurdle. We developed sophisticated algorithms and assessment tests to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Finally, creating a user-friendly interface that provides a seamless experience for both candidates and employers was crucial. We conducted extensive user testing and feedback sessions to refine the platform and enhance the overall user experience.

Despite these challenges, we successfully developed Shakti, a platform that revolutionizes the recruitment process by promoting gender inclusivity and ensuring a fair and unbiased experience for all candidates.

Tracks Applied (3)


In the web/app track, Shakti serves as a pioneering platform that revolutionizes the recruitment process by integrating ...Read More

Open Innovation

Shakti's approach to open innovation lies in its inclusive design and user-centric focus. By leveraging AI and ML techno...Read More


Shakti leverages AI and ML technologies to revolutionize the recruitment process, particularly in combating gender bias....Read More

Technologies used
