

A community driven, map-based complaint portal, to report essential infrastructural issues.

The problem SewaSangh solves

In a world marked by communication gaps between citizens and government, SevaSangh emerges as the solution to streamline and enhance civic engagement. Frustrated with potholes, garbage collection issues, or other civic concerns? SevaSangh empowers users to report problems with images and precise locations. Our unique platform allows users to collaborate, upvote, and comment on reported issues, fostering a community-driven approach to problem-solving.

By integrating the Google Maps API, SevaSangh provides a real-time, visual map of open issues, promoting transparency. Government officials actively engage, updating the status of each problem and ensuring accountability. With a comprehensive issue tracking system, users can monitor the progress of their reported problems—from being open, under review, to resolved—complete with a timeline for enhanced visibility into the resolution process.

In emergencies, SevaSangh delivers instant alerts directly to users' phones, keeping citizens informed about road blockages, water, or electricity-related issues. SevaSangh isn't just a platform; it's a game-changer, transforming the dynamics between citizens and their government. Join us in revolutionizing public services, where your voice matters, and SevaSangh is the conduit for change.

Challenges we ran into

  1. API Integration: Ensuring seamless communication between the Next.js frontend and Django backend presented challenges, especially regarding data format consistency, error handling, and authentication mechanisms.

  2. Responsiveness: Achieving a responsive design that looks and functions well across various devices and screen sizes required careful planning and implementation, especially considering the differences in layout and styling approaches between Next.js and Django.

  3. State Management: Choosing an appropriate state management solution that works efficiently with both Next.js and Django, especially when handling complex application states and data flow.

  4. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Managing CORS policies between the Next.js frontend and Django backend to allow secure communication between the two environments without compromising security.

Tracks Applied (1)

Open Innovation

In the Open Innovation track, our project stands as a beacon of community-driven problem-solving. Through our map-based ...Read More
