People can use Seva Sangam to easily discover and participate in events organized by NGOs, ranging from fundraisers to community service projects. It simplifies the process of finding and supporting causes that align with their interests and values. With Seva Sangam, individuals can donate securely and directly to specific events, knowing that their contributions are making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. This platform streamlines the donation process, ensuring transparency and accountability while promoting safer and more efficient philanthropic engagement.
During the development of Seva Sangam, we faced several hurdles that required innovative solutions. Integrating Stripe payments initially posed challenges with handling declined payments and ensuring secure transmission of sensitive information. Thorough review of Stripe's documentation, robust error handling, and collaboration with Stripe's support team helped resolve these issues. Additionally, we encountered an error of infinite looping due to incorrect state management, which was resolved by debugging component lifecycles and optimizing state updates. Redux state management problems were addressed by revisiting store configuration, enforcing immutability principles, and utilizing Redux middleware for asynchronous operations. Data integration challenges in the frontend were tackled through careful API design, query optimization, and iterative testing to ensure seamless data retrieval and consistency. Error in filtering data was resolved by refining algorithms, standardizing filter parameters, and incorporating user feedback for iterative improvement. Through strategic planning and collaborative problem-solving, we successfully overcame these hurdles to enhance the functionality and reliability of Seva Sangam for our users.
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