We, as the team Sensus think of mental health as an issue that is at a very high risk of going unnoticed. People are more likely to ignore certain behavioural changes that a poor mental health can stimulate, impacting their daily lives. Using Sensus, they'll be analysed on the basis of the kind of entries they write. Be it be maintaing a journal or writing a fiction- your mental health dictates the extent of impactful words you use. Sensus tackles this ignorance of subtle signs by showing the user the trend in their thinking pattern which they otherwise would not have sat and thought through about out of either the fear of confrontation or simply, denial.
Deployment of the website using AWS and the unfamiliarity with react were two of the biggest challenges that we faced. We as a team had been using Heroku for app deployment but we knew that for a large scale product such as Sensus, Heroku's long loading time could cost us user experience which we established was a non-negotiable. Hence, we swallowed the bullet and got our hands on AWS to see the project through. Apart from this we wanted a good user interface for which we thought that react would be the way to go. However, making acquaintance with this technology with an added hackathon like deadline made it extremely difficult for us at some points during the process.