Created on 20th June 2020
This project is for all those peoples who line in remote areas, valleys, hills, for those who are often move from one city to anoher because of buisness meetings and other things. All these peoples do not know about the availability of doctors, hospitals, clinics near to them. Even in case of COVID-19, this software is best to search doctors, hospitals, medical shops and clinics near to them. On MEDI-BOOK, patient can search doctors based on location selected and specilization of doctors. The major advantage of this web application is that peoples can see Government provided Medical Schemes very easily. This feature is not available on any already existing projects. This software also have chat system through which patient can send their symptoms, previous medical reports and readings from MEDI-BOX to the selected doctor of any country and doctor from their end can prescribe patient very easily. Patients can have their MEDI-BOX readings on this software. Pateints can book appointments of any doctor. One of the major feature of MEDI-BOOK is that it will show live tracking of COVID-19 cases and news on it for the sake of patients and every time new case occurs in the area of patient, he/she will get notification of it automatically. If we see on larger picture, this software will going to help a lot to the world if we launch it.
With this, we have a wellness device "THE MEDI-BOX" which is a small box that can be connected with an android application and measures the human body parameters which includes "BODY_TEMPERATURE, PULSE RATE, ECG, HEART BEAT" and also "LIVE READING OF POLLUTION, AREA TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY" of the area in which patient is currently stay, to check whether the current environment is suitable for the pateint or not. This box is easy to carry. All the readings will automatically send to cloud, MEDI-BOX mobile application and MEDI-BOOK software and these details will shared with doctor. We are now working to convert this box into a wearable band.
We face challenge in connecting all these hadware and software with cloud firebase which we resolve it by using THINKSPEAK cloud. We face problem in designing the box which can carry all sensors and wireings and should be small and compact and easy to carry which we have already resolved. Now, for more compaction, we are converting it in wearable hand band.