Sehat Sahyog

Sehat Sahyog

SehatSahyog: Revolutionizing Healthcare, Connecting Heartbeats with Innovation!

The problem Sehat Sahyog solves

Ever found yourself tangled in the web of scattered health records and the tedious back-and-forth with your doctor? Well, that's exactly the hurdle SehatSahyog helps me overcome with a big smile. Picture this: seamless communication, effortless data sharing, and a one-click solution to bridge the gap between me and my doctor.

No more deciphering complex medical jargon or playing the middleman between my wearable devices and my healthcare provider. SehatSahyog brings my health data to life, making it easily accessible for both me and my doctor. Whether it's a quick chat, a video call, or a snap summary sent straight to my doctor's WhatsApp – I've got it all covered.

So, bid farewell to the days of confusion and welcome a health companion that understands the value of simplicity. SehatSahyog is here to make my health journey smoother, more connected, and a lot less complicated. Because, let's face it, my health deserves the hassle-free treatment.

Challenges I ran into

While building SehatSahyog, I hit a speed bump with Google Cloud Fitness API. To make my watch feature work smoothly, I needed to publish the app, but it's currently in the testing phase. Even though the app is deployed, the watch feature is a bit sluggish.

To fix this, I've applied for a publish request, a crucial step for Google Cloud integration. Now, I'm in the waiting room, hoping they green-light my request.

Currently awaiting Google Cloud's response and approval.
