

Safe world for everyone

The problem SEETA(SafeEnchancedEngineerinTechnologyAutomobiles solves

The problem that the Safe Enhanced Engineering Technology for Automobiles (SEETA) app solves is the pressing concern of safety and privacy in the automotive industry. With advancements in technology, vehicles are becoming more connected and autonomous, posing new challenges in terms of security and data protection. SEETA addresses these issues by leveraging blockchain technology to enhance safety features while preserving user privacy.

SEETA provides a comprehensive suite of features that prioritize the safety of drivers and passengers. By integrating with the vehicle's onboard systems, the app constantly monitors crucial parameters such as braking, acceleration, and collision detection. In the event of an emergency or potential hazard, SEETA promptly alerts the driver and, if necessary, can initiate automatic emergency protocols to mitigate risks.

Additionally, SEETA incorporates blockchain technology to ensure the privacy and security of user data. The decentralized nature of the blockchain ensures that sensitive information, such as driving patterns and vehicle diagnostics, remains encrypted and tamper-proof. Users have complete control over their data and can choose to share it securely with trusted service providers or insurers.

By combining enhanced safety features with robust privacy measures, SEETA addresses the growing concerns of cybersecurity threats and data breaches in the automotive industry. It empowers drivers with real-time insights, proactive safety measures, and the confidence that their personal information remains protected. Ultimately, SEETA contributes to creating a safer, more secure, and privacy-focused driving experience for all.

Challenges we ran into

Integration with Fire-chain and team management in online mode.

Tracks Applied (2)

Quine Hackathon Track

Our project, Safe Enhanced Engineering Technology for Automobiles (SEETA), is an ideal fit for the Quine Hackathon track...Read More


5ire Hackathon Track

Our project, Safe Enhanced Engineering Technology for Automobiles (SEETA), is a perfect fit for the 5IRE Hackathon track...Read More

