

A solution to extract digital fingerprints

The problem Securify solves

Cyberthreats are one of the leading causes of crime today. Our intelligence bureau is trying day and night to minimize such attacks by tracking suspicious activity across various internet platforms. Securify can be used to extract the digital footprint of a person through his/her online activity, mainly via their phone number or email id. It can be used to give locations of a suspicious person using his or her IP address which can help our cyber security team. We have extracted the upi id, last seen on chat apps, and data from other social media handles. Along with all this data, we have also detected if the user has been in a data breach in the past. Hence, we believe that Securify can be highly useful in today's time.

Challenges we ran into

One of the biggest challenges we ran into was to get our hands on data sources which would give data without logging in the user or sending him/her a notification. Another major challenge we faced was that such data was not available, specifically for Indians. Scraping such data was difficult because most companies do not have their data publicly available to scrape.
