

A Chrome Extension that detects authenticity of a Website using SSL Verification, domain details and DNS

The problem SecureEx solves

CyberSecurity is a big issue , with increasing number of websites who could potentially steal your data and aren't verified, these websites are not certified and/or possibly have a risk of malicious activities , these could possibly ruin your experience on the internet. Our Extension provides a way of getting to know what websites are safe and what are not using our custom build simple neural network.

Challenges we ran into

  1. It was Hard for us to Create the Image of our server and put into our container registry , it was our first time implementing the docker images and we got to learn quite a lot of things as we progressed
  2. I was hard for us to Implement the proper weights, activation functions for our neural Network Algorithm as we had to implement it on the basis of fetched data.
  3. We ran across a number of bugs in golang as it was one of the newest language to us , however we adapted to its capabilities as a much faster learning rate.
    4.We ran across mutliple problem caching the processed data , it took a few iterations to set it up.

Tracks Applied (1)

Best Use of Microsoft Cloud for Your Community

We used Microsoft Azure to host our service web app on a docker container. The service returns the domain name of a webs...Read More

Major League Hacking
