

Our product offers journalists and high-risk individuals control over the timing and security of anonymous posts, ensuring robust data protection and flexible posting options.

The problem SecreTex solves

Our platform offers a unique, secure journalism tool that caters to users who need control over the timing and security of their posts while ensuring anonymity. Leveraging Nillion’s advanced cryptographic technology, our platform provides robust data protection and flexible posting options, making it ideal for individuals in high-risk positions.

Core Features:

Conditional Posting:

Post Now: Instantly publish journalism contents.
Timed Release: Schedule posts for future publication, either publicly or privately to a specified user.

Public vs. Private Posts:
Public: Posts become publicly available after the set time.
Private: Posts are sent privately to a specified user after the set time.

Data Protection with Nillion:
Encryption: Secure content with Nillion’s cryptographic technology.
Conditional Decryption: Decrypt content only when specified conditions are met.

Challenges we ran into

While building our platform, one of the major challenges we faced was ensuring secure and anonymous data storage. Given that our target users are journalists and individuals in high-risk positions, it was crucial that we protect their data from potential breaches or leaks. We decided to use Nillion's decentralized storage, which provides strong data encryption and eliminates single points of failure.

However, integrating Nillion's client-side SDK with our Next.js and TypeScript setup was not straightforward. We encountered several issues, including TypeScript type errors and difficulties with asynchronous operations while storing and retrieving secrets.

To overcome these hurdles, we thoroughly reviewed Nillion's documentation and worked closely with their support team. We also employed debugging techniques such as console logging and step-through debugging in our IDE to track down the source of the issues.

Tracks Applied (1)

Nillion Web App Theme: Build a Blind App on Nillion

Our project fits into the Nillion web app theme by leveraging Nillion’s decentralized storage and encryption capabilitie...Read More

