Secret Angel

A Fundraising Platform for anyone and everyone.

Created on 10th March 2022


Secret Angel

A Fundraising Platform for anyone and everyone.

The problem Secret Angel solves

Provides financial resources to combat poverty and​ improve quality of life of the neediest​.

Challenges we ran into

One of the most difficult part was to integrate frontend with backend as we were doing it for the first time we got stuck alot of time some time css wont work some time django but we as a team fiigured out the best way was to make tings together sit togetehr and help each other. the second big task was getting data from backend properly as with no experience in backend we have to learn a new framework and and with this it made our task more tricky as we have to learn things from scratch which took time but as the time went and we start making more and more pages in and integrating it we got better and better.


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